Category: ai (page 2 of 4)

Category: ai (page 2 of 4)

Artificial Intelligence

Building a .NET Food Health Analyzer with Azure OpenAI and Semantic Kernel featured image

Building a .NET Food Health Analyzer with Azure OpenAI and Semantic Kernel

10 min read

In-depth look at a .NET-based Food Health Analyzer app using Azure OpenAI and Semantic Kernel for intelligent ingredient and health analysis.

Packaged Food Health Checker with Semantic kernel featured image

Packaged Food Health Checker with Semantic kernel

3 min read

An overview for a simple AI powered app for checking packaged food healthiness

The new prompt filter in Semantic Kernel featured image

The new prompt filter in Semantic Kernel

4 min read

Working with the new prompt filter IPromptRenderFilter in semantic kernel

Yaml prompts with semantic kernel featured image

Yaml prompts with semantic kernel

5 min read

Working with yaml prompt templates in semantic kernel

Function calling using Semantic Kernel featured image

Function calling using Semantic Kernel

5 min read

Using the gpt-4 function calling capabilities with semantic kernel

Introduction to OpenAI's function calling featured image

Introduction to OpenAI's function calling

4 min read

Introduction to function calling with OpenAI

Using Semantic Kernel with local embeddings featured image

Using Semantic Kernel with local embeddings

4 min read

Using a local embedding service with Semantic Kernel

Quick Setup for a local embedding Server using python featured image

Quick Setup for a local embedding Server using python

3 min read

Setting up a local embedding service using Python for development